

At South Pacific Oil, our objective is to create sustainable value for our Shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and the community we operate in.  We do this by:

  • Providing governance of our day-to-day operations by set of business principles which are reviewed and approved by the board annually as being sufficient to ensure we conduct our business in an ethical manner abiding by and supporting the spirit of the laws of the nation.
  • Planning the development of our business over five year windows.
  • Raising health safety and environmental awareness in the company and the communities in which we operate.
  • Managing risks in accordance with ISO 31000. Creating and operating a risk management system to reduce risk to our operations, employees, customers and the community.
  • Evaluating investments against a Return on Investment hurdle set by the board and against risks to Assets (financial and physical), People (community, customers and employees), Reputation and the Environment.
  • Acquiring the necessary experience, skills and knowledge to mitigate the risk of investing in businesses where we have limited experience.
  • Working collaboratively with our customers to provide energy solutions that meet their needs and our commercial objectives.
  • Maintaining or replacing assets to ensure that they are always fit for their original purpose.
  • Training our people to be the best at what they do in the Solomon Islands
  • Inducting our recruits thoroughly to ensure they have a clear sense of purpose in their role.
  • Continuously educating our staff from junior positions to board level to improve performance and reduce risk and succession planning key leadership and operational roles.


Vision Statement: South Pacific Oil is the Largest Supplier of Energy Solutions in the Solomon Islands and the Provinces.

Our Vision:

  • South Pacific Oil generates sufficient profit to invest in renewal of existing assets and future expansion and provide sustainable dividends to its shareholders such that they regard SPO as a good investment.
  • We actively seek new geographic, alternative energy and electricity generation markets in the Solomon Islands and the region.
  • We operate in all energy markets in Solomon Islands and the region creating optimum energy solutions to meet customer needs.
  • We actively seek to provide commercial fuel and alternative energy solutions at the lowest distribution cost possible, including the provincial centres to foster economic growth.
  • The Solomon Islands Community regards South Pacific Oil as having a reputation for:
  • Supporting marginalized members of the community through financial assistance to institutions that have a track record of delivery;
  • Good governance and financial stability in its operations; and
  • Sound risk management.
  • People want to work for South Pacific Oil due to:
  • Superior opportunities they have in developing their skills and advancing their career; and
  • Continuous drive for higher performance, resulting in fairer reward for performance.


South Pacific Oil
PO BOX 879
Honiara, Solomon Islands

Tel: +677 21838
Fax: +677 24445



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