Health Safety Security Environment (HSSE Standards)

Safety is our top priority driven by our leadership and applied through our operating management system. SPOL has set clear expectations designed to assist all employees to understand and embed the importance of HSSE within our organisation. We are dedicated to safety and to continually improve our systems through continuous risk assessment of our operations and improving where necessary. 

Keeping our people, our assets, those whom we come into contact with and the communities they live in safe is central to everything we do at South Pacific Oil. Our HSSE program is designed to empower every person in South Pacific Oil to ensure that their work practices are focused on ZERO harm to people, assets and the environment. 

The hearts and minds program drives behaviours, attitudes, decisions and actions within the business to achieve a working environment that is free from incident or injury. The potential incident and incident reporting program drives the reporting of incidents and subsequent investigation and reporting system so incidents are captured and corrected immediately. 

In SPOL, we reinforce this expectation by:

  • HSSE culture change programs;
  • HSSE Induction program for employees and contractors;
  • Roll out of our Safety Management System & Safety Policy;
  • Active involvement in industry and community HSSE forums to improve HSSE – reducing accidents and safety and emergency services engagement on new terminal developments;
  • Local & global industry best practice in emergency response capabilities; and
  • Targeted HSSE improvement action plans and progress reporting within our retail network, terminal operations and fuel distribution functions.




South Pacific Oil
PO BOX 879
Honiara, Solomon Islands

Tel: +677 21838
Fax: +677 24445



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